Until now, doctors and researchers have not discovered the true cause of psoriasis, and 100% effective in getting rid of psoriasis for once and for all. The symptoms of psoriasis are most common, with red spots, dry, scaly skin and often cause white spots on its first shadows top layer of skin. It's very embarrassing to walk with friends as your skin will be more unpleasant than your family will have a silvery-white appearance.
The real cause of psoriasis is still unknown, but what scientists and doctors have discovered, the symptoms of psoriasis occurs in skin cells begin to be more active than normal. As a result, are active in the cells usually do not shed, that the accumulation of the skin, causing skin rashes carcinoma, and think of your skin layer. Suspicions of psoriasis are triggered by unstable weather conditions, family history of psoriasis, a reaction / allergy medications / drugs, alcohol, etc.
Home remedies for psoriasis
Hot bath of Epsom salts has been proven by doctors at fair value in the treatment of psoriasis. Use olive oil or lotion after bathing in Epsom salt will be better than the lotion keeps your skin hydrated. Make sure your skin is to keep the humidifier at all times and avoid traveling in areas with uncertain weather is too hot or too cold causes the moisture level down.
Please enjoy more sunshine hours, research shows that UV radiation from sunlight is the best cure for psoriasis. There is a psoriasis treatment that the doctor used to treat psoriasis, which is prescribed to artificial ultraviolet light. A cheaper alternative is to simply get more sun! Sun exposure may increase the production of vitamin D, which was found to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis.
The food is also very important in improving the condition of psoriasis, with more organic foods and raw vegetables will improve your health too. One of the best vegetables that are recommended by doctors is bitter gourd. Take a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice every day, and if you do not like the bitter taste, mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice is better.
There are many psoriasis treatment on the market with much chemical is applied to the skin or the tablets of the drug. Personally, I recommend simple home remedies and natural cure for psoriasis / psoriasis relief from your symptoms and get rid of psoriasis!